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- @4TITLE: Cripple Mr Onion in Full
- ===============================@1
- A game, based on Terry Pratchett`s novels.
- So many people seem to be champing at the bit here over the details of the
- game that I've decided to post up the rules of the game in full - at least
- the game as far as we are playing it here at the moment. No doubt there are
- a few problems still remaining in it, but we'll just have to see what
- happens. I should state, though, that when I write onion, I mean two-card
- up to seven-card, whereas when I write Onion (capital O), I mean Double up
- to Great.
- Cripple Mr Onion requires two standard decks of playing cards, preferably
- one having the English or French suits clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds,
- and the second having the Spanish or Italian suits swords, staves, cups and
- coins - for the purpose of forming flushes, these are taken to be paired in
- their respective order given above. The game also requires at least two
- players, but not more than seven [this isn't something to do with the number
- eight, but a result of the fact that you'd run out of cards with more than
- seven players], with a ready supply of small coinage or tokens. The players
- need to be arranged as evenly as possible around a table with two small
- pots/boxes in the centre - one will be the Pot and the other is for
- discards.
- At the beginning of each round, one player is identified as the Dealer, with
- the player to the Dealer's left as the Elder and the player to the Dealer's
- right as the Younger - this sets the order of precedence in being dealt cards
- and in winning in the event of a tie as Dealer, Elder, other players in
- order and, lastly, Younger. In the event that the Dealership changes, these
- identifiers move to be based around the new Dealer. The round opens when the
- Dealer shuffles the pack of all 104 cards, the Younger cuts the pack and all
- the players place an amount equivalent to the Stake in the Pot. By agreement
- of all the players, the maximum amount for a raise is usually set at some
- multiple of the Stake.
- All the players are dealt five cards in this order: the Dealer receives two
- cards and deals all the other players, in order from Elder to Younger, three
- cards; the Dealer then receives three cards and deals the other players two
- [this is done to speed up the dealing, which isn't exactly the most
- interesting part of the game]. Then, in turn, from Elder to Younger, each
- player discards up to four cards into the discard pot, or may fold by
- discarding all five cards, and announces the number of discards to the Dealer
- who replaces them from the top of the pack; the Dealer then discards and
- replaces, also announcing the number thrown away. It is important to note
- that up to this point all cards have been dealt face down, each player is
- only aware of their own cards and, by way of the draw, ought to have a
- better hand than was originally dealt.
- The first round of betting takes place, consisting of three distinct parts.
- In the first two parts, the Dealer names the amount that must be matched by
- other players individually if they wish to stay in and places this amount
- in the Pot. In turn, from the Elder to the Younger, the players must either
- match the Dealer's bid, by placing the same amount in the Pot, or fold by
- placing their cards in the discard pot; if a player matches the Dealer's bid,
- that player has the option of raising the Dealer by placing a named amount
- near the Pot on the player's side. The process of raising does not affect
- the other players except for the Dealer who must match the collective raise
- or fold - see below for events following the folding of the Dealer. The
- matching of the collective raise by the Dealer and the placing of all the
- individual raises into the Pot closes that part of the betting. In the third,
- and at this stage final, part, the betting is the same except that no
- raising may take place. During the betting, the Dealer may make a zero bet,
- allowing all the other players to stay in and, in the first two parts and if
- they wish, to raise.
- The second set of five cards each is now dealt in the following way: the
- Dealer receives five cards face down on the table, and then, in turn from
- Elder to Younger, each other player may buy cards, multiply or one at a time,
- from the Dealer placing an amount equal to the Stake for each bought card in
- the Pot. Buying stops at five bought cards, or earlier if the player wishes
- when the player is then dealt the remaining cards up to five, that is up to
- ten cards in all, face up on the table. Bought cards are dealt face down and
- the player may mix them in with the cards from the first stage of dealing,
- but cards dealt face up on the table must remain that way, although the
- player may rearrange them there. After receiving the second five cards, the
- player is then asked to make an extra bet, which again the Dealer must alone
- match later on, placing the amount, which may be zero, on the face up cards,
- or on the table if there are no face up cards, directly in front of the
- player. Once this has taken place for all the players, the Dealer considers
- the extra bets made on the basis of all the face up cards and the Dealer's own
- ten cards which, of course, are unknown to the other players. If the Dealer
- decides to match the total amount of the extra bets made, by placing the
- total value in the Pot, all extra bets are placed in the Pot as well and two
- last parts of betting take place in the same manner as the first two parts
- of the first round of betting as described in the previous paragraph. If the
- extra bets are not matched, the Dealer may give the Dealership to the Elder
- WITHOUT being required to fold: this is the only point of the game when the
- Dealership changes without the Dealer folding - of course, the Dealer loses all
- privileges by becoming the new Younger. To accept the Dealership and become
- the new Dealer, the Elder must match the other players' collective extra
- bets, the Elder's own extra bet, if there was one, being lost to the Pot
- without reclaim; otherwise the Dealership is again passed left. This process
- is repeated until either the Dealership is accepted, in which case events
- proceed as described some twelve lines above, or the Dealership goes full
- circle and returns to the original Dealer - then, everybody folds, the Pot
- becomes the ante for the next round, the Dealer remains the Dealer and the
- next round begins from the beginning.
- The game having managed to get this far without utter confusion breaking out,
- the final part of the round, Showdown, takes place. Beginning from the
- Elder, the highest card grouping is declared and displayed on the table;
- if the player to the left of the Elder cannot equal, beat or play some
- modifier that affects the Elder's cards, that player's cards are all placed
- face up on the table, in their groupings if the player wishes, and the next
- player's cards are compared. If the Elder's cards are equalled, then the
- next card grouping must be considered. If the Elder's cards are beaten, then
- the Elder has the opportunity to play a modifier or rearrange the card
- grouping in an attempt to obtain a better arrangement. By this process of
- comparison, consideration of lower groupings, rearrangement of card groups
- and playing of modifiers, the holder of the better cards, between the
- Elder and the player on the Elder's left, is found; the player but one to the
- Elder's left is then brought in, and the whole process of finding the
- holder of the better cards is repeated. This continues until at last the
- Dealer has been brought in, and finally the player who holds the best cards
- wins the contents of the Pot; in the event of a complete tie, the player of
- greater seniority wins - often, this means that the Dealer wins. The
- round is then over, the cards and discards are collected up and the winner
- becomes the Dealer for the next round.
- In the event that the Dealer folds, the Dealership is auctioned as follows:
- from the Elder to the Younger, the players who are still in are asked by the
- old Dealer if they wish to be the new Dealer - if the player wishes to be
- the new Dealer, that player must advance an amount equal to the Stake. If
- another player, when asked, also wishes to be Dealer, then that player
- must match the existing bid and advance another amount equal to the Stake.
- This process continues around and around the table, with each prospective
- Dealer making sure that that player's bid is at least an amount equal to
- the Stake higher that the highest bid so far, until all the players except
- for one decline to advance any more, when they place their own total bid
- in the Pot as they decline, and the single player left becomes the new
- Dealer placing the winning bid in the pot. If nobody wishes to be the new
- Dealer, all the players fold, the Pot becomes the ante for the next round,
- the old Dealer stays as Dealer and another round beings anew.
- Well, that describes the basic [!] game. Hands up all those who thought that
- thirteen simple winning hands would not make the game complicated. But, of
- course, there has been discussion of modifiers [incidentally, if you think
- that this reconstruction is a rip-off of other card games around the
- Multiverse, all I can say is: you don't have to play and win a lot and
- have fun as well], which I shall now describe. These particular modifiers
- are, inevitably, the creation of a small group of people: if you think they
- should be changed or added to or reduced in number, just say so.
- @2Modifier #0: Crippling Rules.
- @1 i. A nine-card running flush may be used to cripple a Great Onion and
- hence win the game. Once crippled, a Great Onion may not be retracted.
- ii. A ten-card running flush outcripples a nine-card running flush in
- crippling a Great Onion and may also cripple a Lesser Onion. Once cripped,
- the Onion may not be retracted.
- [I hope that this one at least doesn't require any comments.]
- @2Modifier #1: Null Eights Rules.
- @1 i. During a round in which eights are not wild (see ii.), an eight
- may be used as if it had value zero in order to trump up an onion. In the
- event of a tie between two onions with equal numbers of cards, the onion
- with the fewer null eights wins.
- ii. In the round following a round in which a null eight has been
- played, eights are wild, acting as any regular card. The wild Royal, three
- wild eights, may then be played. In the next round, eights return to their
- original role.
- [To "trump up an onion" means to make a four-card onion into a five-card
- onion by the addition of one null eight, or to make a three-card onion
- into a seven-card onion with four - it did happen, and he won. Note,
- however, that there are no onions beyond seven-card and that wild eights
- cannot be used as any of the special cards giving rise to later
- modifiers.]
- @2Modifier #2: Wild Crippling Rule.
- @1 In a round in which eights are wild, to successfully cripple the
- relevant Onion, the running flush must have at most the same number of
- wild cards as the Onion being crippled.
- [Note that this is the only manifestation of the "fewer wild cards wins"
- rule of poker, the equivalent here being "fewer null eights wins" as in
- #1i. above.]
- @2Modifier #3: Octavo Rule.
- @1 When eights are wild, the card group consisting of eight eights can
- be considered as a Lesser Onion, but beats other Lesser Onions and may not
- be crippled like a Lesser Onion of any other composition.
- [Terry likes this one!]
- @2Modifier #4: The Lady's Rules.
- @1 i. If eights are not wild, the queen of spades may be declared, before
- or during Showdown, and replaced by the player's choice of one of the next
- two cards from the deck, the chosen card taking up the place of the queen;
- the other card goes to the discard pot. This move may not be rescinded.
- ii. When eights are wild, the queen of spades devalues one ace, for
- every other player, that would otherwise be played as having value eleven, to
- value one only. This does not affect any aces in a Great Onion, but may
- affect cards, in any grouping, which, by being wild or by other means, would
- otherwise be played with value eleven.
- [If you're playing with two English decks, you're going to have to choose
- one of the two queens of spades and mark it, not on the back though, so
- use old or cheap cards for this. By declaring, I mean put the card on the
- table face up and point it out to the other players; here, of course, the
- queen may no longer be used in forming card groupings since a replacement
- card has been received (very useful for getting out of those triple
- bagels) but should be left near the player on the table rather than in the
- discard pot. For the reason for this, read on...]
- @2Modifier #5: Fate's Rules.
- @1
- i. If the queen of spades has been declared and replaced, the king
- of cups may also be declared and replaced in a like manner, in the process
- making all aces held by the player who used the queen of spades have value
- zero. Unlike null eights, however, zeroed aces cannot trump up onions.
- ii. If eights are wild, the king of cups may be declared so that
- eights immediately cease to be wild; a different player who has the queen of
- spades, whether visible, played or not, may then make his own eights wild
- again. The king of cups may not be revoked once declared, and a single
- player may not use the king of cups and then the queen of spades in this way.
- [The suit of cups, you may remember, is paired up with hearts, so choose one
- of the the king of hearts as Fate.]
- @2Modifier #6: Great A'Tuin's Rule.
- @1 Declaring the queen of coins allows the player to reduce the value of
- one of the player's cards by eight points and to increase the value of a
- different card by eight points. The two affected cards must still have value
- between one and eleven inclusive.
- [Coins are paired with diamonds. A two that is shifted up to value ten may
- be considered a picture card, a three shifted up to eleven as an ace of
- value eleven.]
- @2Modifier #7: The Elephants' Rule.
- @1 Any four cards, each being either a nine or a ten or an eight when
- eights are wild, that are declared with the queen of coins in one
- player's hand, allow that player to shift as many points as are needed to
- to generate a Double Onion. This Double Onion may be beaten by any other
- Double Onion. Any nines or tens in the player's hand that are not involved
- in the shift may be considered as ones, not aces, and twos respectively.
- [Since the five cards involved here have only been declared, they are, of
- course, still playable as cards in groups. Remember that a ten may not
- take the role of a picture card in an Onion - a shifted nine, eight etc.
- is needed. With two nines, two tens and the queen of coins, a possible shift
- is: add one each to the nines and tens - hence the Double Onion - and take
- four from the queen of coins to be a six.]
- @2Modifier #8: The Sender of Eight's Rules.
- @1 i. When eights are not wild, a visible jack of diamonds makes any aces
- belonging to a player who uses any eights become zeroed (see #5i.).
- ii. When eights are wild, the jack of diamonds must be declared as soon
- as it is dealt and identified, zeroing all aces and disallowing eights from
- taking on value one or eleven.
- [As before, choose one of the jacks of diamonds and mark it on the face.]
- @2Modifier #9: Death's Rules.
- @1 i. When eights are not wild, a visible king of swords makes one
- picture card in every player's hand that has two or more picture cards have
- no part in forming a Double Onion.
- ii. When eights are wild, the visible king of swords makes one
- picture card in every player's hand that has two or more picture cards have
- no part in forming either a Double Onion or a Triple Onion.
- [Swords are paired with clubs. The "killed" picture card can still take
- part in anything else, which usually means a bagel or two.]
- @2Modifier #10: The Archchancellor's Rules.
- @1 i. Any player who plays the jack of staves may not also play an
- eight as having value eight.
- ii. If the jack of staves is declared at any time during the game, the
- king of swords must also be declared if held; if the king of swords is
- declared, then all the other players must also declare one previously
- undisclosed card each. If no one holds the king of swords, the the jack of
- staves becomes wild for the rest of the round.
- [By a process of elimination, staves are paired with spades.]
- @2Modifier #11: The Fool's Rule.
- @1 If, immediately before Showdown, the jack of clubs is declared,
- then, for the rest of the round, bagels change places with Onions in the
- order of winning card groupings. That is: the two-card onion and the
- single bagel change places, the Double, Triple and Lesser Onions are ex-
- changed with the double, triple and lesser bagels respectively, and the
- great bagel becomes only beaten by, but may also be crippled like, the
- Great Onion which remains at the top of the list.
- [This now makes bagels worth something, other than a tie-breaker. The
- jack of clubs, of course, can still take part in bagels, and any other
- card grouping, as usual.]
- Okay, so there are some in-jokes in that lot, but you don't need to know
- them all, or indeed any of them, to be able to play the game and it hasn't
- stopped me playing the game with a large group of people here who have
- never heard of Bel-Shamharoth or the Rite of Ashk'Ente. It might be fun
- to try and work out the reasoning behind the modifiers - and yes, there
- is a reason behind nearly every one that may be found somewhere in the
- Discworld books. This is the point though: unlike Dragon Poker, where
- the typical modifier seems to be "If there are three players with
- four arms, the moon is gibbous, there's an r in the month and the Dealer
- is blue, the three of Unicorns is wild in the seventeenth round" (no
- criticism of Robert Asprin - it's a fun idea), Cripple Mr Onion
- modifiers should be based on Discworld mythology and belief; I've taken
- the view that the game is as old as Ankh-Morpork and has, over the
- centuries, absorbed all sorts of details of Disc life.
- Andrew C. Millard